The Anthology (Universal 2002)
The Best of Savage Rose (Polydor 1996)
Savage Rose 25 double album (Mega Records 1993)
Månebarn / Moon Child (EMI / Mega Records 1992)
Det Største af Alt er Kærlighed (Nexø:
Olafssongs 1991)
Blues News (Chess Records / Polydor 1983)
The Best of Savage Rose (Polydor 1977)
Babylon (Polydor 1973)
Ragnarock '73 (Polydor 1973)
Dødens Triumf / Triumph of Death (Polydor 1970-72)
Your Daily Gift rec. in Rome (Polydor Europe 1971)
Refugee rec. in the Mick Jagger Mansion, U.K. (Polydor
Europe 1971)
I'm Satisfied (Karussel 1971)
Pop History vol. 15 double album (Polydor 1969)
Travelin' rec. in New York City (Polydor 1969)
The Savage Rose (Polydor 1968)
In The Plain (Polydor 1968)
